

What do Chapter Advocates do?

  • Research: We conduct nonpartisan analysis and research, and gather information through community conversations, focus groups, and more.
  • Education: We organize Chapter Advocacy Days to educate and form relationships with elected officials.
  • Power Building: We leverage individual and collective influence around issues through nonpartisan political messaging, letter-writing campaigns, coalition building, and relationship building with government officials, staff, and other community leaders.

  • Monitoring: We monitor legislation, policies, and practices to identify advocacy and partnership opportunities. 


Updates from SFLHIMSS Advocacy!

Thanks to the leadership of SFLHIMSS and the incredible support of The State of Florida Senate and House, the Florida Technology & Innovation Bill HB1391, that includes specific language related to Interoperability passed both chambers of the legislature in March, and was subsequently signed by the Governor and became law as of July 1.  This win is vital to the Health and Human Services communities; interoperability of patient information is key to the transformation of Healthcare delivery. Thanks to the leadership of the SFLHIMSS board for their undying support in passing this legislation, the support of the Central and North HIMSS, assistance of HIMSS National, and support from the South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association. Special thanks to Senator Gayle Harrell, (R) Stuart, Representative Jackie Toledo (R), Hillsborough co-sponsors of the Bill, and the support of many other legislators who supported the bill and stayed on course to get us to this point.


2015 Resolution


HIMSS Chapter Advocacy

The HIMSS Chapter Advocacy Task Force is comprised of chapter advocates from U.S. and Canadian HIMSS chapters and provides opportunities to amplify HIMSS’s public policy priorities through outreach and relationship building—both grassroots with government officials, and grasstops with thought leaders and non-profit organizations. Task Force members serve as a strong, coordinated voice and respected source of information on health information and technology, influencing state, provincial, and local policy. The task force meets monthly and provides an opportunity for networking and peer-to-peer learning.


HIMSS Public Policy Center – Learn more about critical public policy issues, how HIMSS engages in public policy and with governments at all levels, and how members can get involved.


HIMSS Legislative Action Center – Participate in legislative campaigns, track legislation, identify and contact your elected officials, and log your interactions